Conflict of Interest & Commitment (COI/COC): Disclosures for Non-Research Faculty & Staff

The 世界杯官方app Handbook of Operating Procedures Policy 1.33: Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities is intended to protect the credibility and reputation of 世界杯官方app, and its faculty and staff by providing a transparent system of disclosure, approval, and documentation of employee activities outside 世界杯官方app (including but not limited to: engaging in outside employment or outside board service and owning certain interests in business entities) that might otherwise raise concerns about Conflicts of Interest or Conflicts of Commitment. HOP 1.33 also serves the purpose of ensuring compliance with state ethics laws and Regents’ Rules. Finally, it is intended to provide the framework for rules and procedures that will clearly delineate allowable outside activity.




For more information regarding management plans, please get in touch with your Human Resource Business Partner (HRBP) so they may better assist you with navigating this. 


COI/COC Portal


Contact Information

For questions regarding the Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities disclosure/approval process, please email the Office of Institutional Compliance & Risk Services at 
